on new beginnings

the job is a good one, Hubby is happy, there are nice people and good working conditions, all is well.  This is a great relief to us both.  So, now, home alone I have a taste of how it is going to be.

Yesterday started well, a brisk walk down to the sea in milky sunshine set me up for the day.  Stopping to say hello to dog walkers and joggers, I love the early mornings along this beach.  People are at once purposeful and also reflective.  I am thinking about how things are turning out and in truth, feeling better for the first time in a long time.

Back home I set about sorting out.  Cupboards are emptied and contents sorted, kitchen equipment moved to new places, it feels ok.  I decide to put the towels on the line to blow in the sun and gentle wind coming in from the hills. There is something about washing on a line that says home.  Then I baked a cake.  We were having a visitor, and I know she loves cake.

She arrived mid afternoon, looking gorgeous, this women I have known since she was born.  My (almost) niece makes her home on the other side of the world these days.  Back for summer celebrations it is a delight to see her and spend a bit of time together.  Cake is cut, tea is brewed and we catch up, I am thinking how much better it is to sit beside her rather than see her through a screen.  Online talking is great with a world between us, but a real life chat and a hug is the best of all.Later Hubby is home, full of news about his day and they hug, this gorgeous girl and him are great pals.

It occurs to me that world is not as big at it once seemed.  A childhood friend of mine emigrated to Canada, another to New Zealand, they were instantly lost to us, a couple of air mail letters arrived and then nothing.   People went and never came back.  That was how the world was back in the day.  How brave it must have been to take that leap, to chose a new life, in a different place, I wonder how it felt?

So, this morning I have awoken to rain, Hubby has gone to work, Day Two does not in itself seems as exciting or important as Day One.  Day Two feels like the beginning of real life.  I am wondering what to make of a day in the rain, perhaps I will use the time usefully, write a bit, sort out finances and do the silly jobs that get forgotten. Or perhaps I shall don my raincoat and go and walk by the sea.

I love being on the shore in the wind and rain, I love the feeling of things being as they should be, that there are some things humans cannot control.  The tides will come and go as they have always done, that this very sea, this sea is the same as that of my childhood, lapping the shore as I walked, again, in the rain. How quickly time has passed, I am reminded that today is at once, just another day, one of hundreds of rainy days in a lifetime, and again a new chance to get things right.   it is up to me how I spend it.



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