Advent Day 4 – Life’s lessons learned – on resilience

It is fair to say that my lovely hubby and I have had our ups and downs over the past year or two.  Things we thought were forever sorted slipped away from our reach and we found ourselves with a whole new life.  A pattern developed as each time we made a decision the universe tipped us in a different direction.  It has been quite a time.

Resilience is gained through adversity.  Each time any of us face a tricky time we learn from it, and that learning stays with us for the next time.  I think our resilience is strong  Together we are sitting out storm after storm and still have much to be thankful for.

It is true that no one can choose what happens to them, good or bad, but we can all choose how we deal with these times.

We are keeping on keeping on in our brand new life, grateful each day for the little things, and holding tight, there is no other way to be.

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